Yelr map chat

Location based chat

Instantly share your thoughts with anyone nearby! Are you new in town, or simply need a change of scenery and your surroundings? Go ahead - with just a simple tap, you're in control. Whether you're at home or exploring the world, connect with people from all corners of the globe and make new friends!

Yelr friends

Connect with others

Whether you've met someone new in your neighborhood or reconnected with an old friend, Yelr is here for everyone! Invite others to join you on Yelr, make new friends, enjoy private chats, create and manage groups – it's all at your fingertips. And if you feel like it, start a conversation with anyone nearby anytime you wish.

Yelr profile

Yelr keeps you safe

Yelr is all about your safety and privacy. You're completely anonymous, and your location is kept private unless you choose to share it. Your messages are encrypted and never saved. Your account isn't linked to a cellphone or phone number, so your data is entirely yours to manage!